In the early 1980s, Edmonton’s Chinese community recognized the need for a facility to provide culturally appropriate long-term care for the city’s growing elder Chinese population. Under the leadership of Dr. Clemens Lee, the Chinatown Multi-Level Care Foundation was established in 1985, and registered as a charity two years later to facilitate fundraising.

Land for the new facility would soon be acquired in Edmonton’s Chinatown, but securing provincial funding was an arduous process in the fiscally constrained 1990s. However, Dr. Lee and the Foundation never lost sight of their ultimate goal, and in September 2004, the Edmonton Chinatown Care Centre (ECCC) officially opened, welcoming 75 long-term care and 15 designated assisted living residents.

After almost 20 years of service to Edmonton’s Chinese community, we began to explore the possibility of extending our resident-centred care beyond our traditional location. Plans began in earnest for the creation of a new facility in southwest Edmonton to provide long-term care for the city’s general senior population.

Along with these plans came a rebranding. We sought a new identity for a new era, one that would respect our heritage and reflect our values. In 2022, we officially adopted the name LeeCaring Communities. “LeeCaring” recalls the name of our “founding father,” Dr. Lee, and the “Communities” aspect shows our commitment to care. No matter where we break ground, we aren’t just building a facility — we’re building a place for people to come together to create a sense of home.

Our second location is named HolSome Place as an expression of our commitment to holistic care. HolSome Place welcomed 136 continuing-care residents in the fall of 2023.